Thursday, June 18, 2015

What do you think are the most serious problems in your country?
DUE DATE: June 28th, 2015


  1. In Ecuador there are many problems, to mention the most serious are:
    Pollution of rivers, the ocean, accumulation of garbage in the streets.
    Poverty, in Ecuador there are very poor people who do not reach them to live.
    Corruption, has always existed corruption in government.
    The delinquency is something that in the country does not reduce, there are robberies and murders.

  2. I think poverty is a serious problem in my country, because I see many childrens to work in the streets selling candies, and others are doing juggling in the traffic lights. Other problem is the corruption and delinquency, in some suburbs there are thieves and criminals, and the people have to tread carefully all along.
    Also the pollution is a problem, because there is people that burn trash and others throw it to street.

  3. Violence in the country are presented both as crimes such as robberies, assaults, murders and kidnappings. The continuing violence in the country makes us worry, always alert and fear of being victims of a crime.
    The poverty is another problem, lots of people carrying a very low level of life, it difficult to pay for clothing, housing and services, sometimes they lack the money for food and medicine.

  4. Like any other country, Ecuador has problems, yes, I can talk about crime, corruption, and all that stuff, but for me, the main problem we have is our people, why?, we live in one of the richest counties in the world, yet, we're almost nothing compare to even smaller countries than us, that's just my opinion...

  5. One of the big problems of my country is the delinquency and insecurity is such that you can not walk anywhere there are many robberies, murders and kidnappings. This is generated by poverty and many do not have to eat and do not have a decent job is to steal in order to survive them.

  6. The problem that we are living in our youth is the loss of values, shame, since many girls have lost their modesty, and the young are left to manipulate quickly drug, which unleashed in crime, and this this corropiendo increasingly families are the core of society.

  7. The insecurity in my country is increasing, any stolen at any time of day, there is no safety anywhere, and people can do nothing, because even in the judiciary thieves have more rights than us, the people who earn our money honestly.

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    1. They are many:
      drug abuse in schools is increasing
      crime at all hours of the day, no one respects nothing
      disagreement in politics
      kidnappings and killings disagreements
      domestic violence, more and more abused children

  9. In Ecuador one of the main problems is delinquency, insecurity that has many of the Ecuadorian who is immersed in the daily life. Kidnapping, drug trafficking are factors not over in our country.
    The Corrucción in government that has always existed.
    Another serious problem in our country is currently happening are young people who are in school follow the path of drugs.

  10. serious problem is corruption,the politics do not do their job bacause they care about their welfire.

    The drug is a serious problems in our society as teens now consume more, this effects are very dangerous

    The persons of other conuntries with their lifestyle and way of living, these people have no control when they enter our country

  11. In Ecuador currently is going through a time of insecurity in the streets, motorcycle robberies have increased in recent days, there is also a división of opinions about the current goverment, which proposes new taxes on the richest groups in the country, all this creates discord among people, it separates us from a more just society which should always be in constant dialogue.

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  14. I think corruption and delinquency are the most serious problems.
    Corruption, because the legislators decide the future of the country in relation to their interest. Delinquency, because the thefts and kidnappings are things that happen all the days in any city.
    Other problem, is the bad attention in some hospitals. Is strange because the government spends much money, but the service isn't the best.

  15. I think delinquency and government are problems that we have actually.
    The delinquency by the assault in the night or contract killings that cause fear in the cities.
    The government because not done the necessary to end this stage of suffering, i think in the future can change this.

  16. I think crime affect Ecuador so much so that it cannot be calm and at home.
    Others factors affecting the country are drugs that is currently affecting vast majority of young people.
    Other problem is corruption on the part of the authorities.

  17. In our country there is a lot of pollution, because there are people who throw garbage on the streets, rivers, estuaries and polluting the environment.
    The crime is very serious, people feel unprotected by insecurity there since they often suffer robbery, kidnapping, murder, etc., hopefully these problems change over time.

  18. The biggest problem of my country is the crime that is seen in every part of the country, this problem can not be eradicated because of the corruption that no departe of the police but those who practice law here who receive bribes to so leave free to people who should not be on the streets.

  19. The biggest problem of my country is the crime that is seen in every part of the country, this problem can not be eradicated because of the corruption that no departe of the police but those who practice law here who receive bribes to so leave free to people who should not be on the streets.

  20. The biggest problem of my country is the crime that is seen in every part of the country, this problem can not be eradicated because of the corruption that no departe of the police but those who practice law here who receive bribes to so leave free to people who should not be on the streets.

  21. The biggest problems the country is poverty and unemployment. I think that if there is a good relationship between the President and the mayors everything would be better. For this political conflict of enmity is to pass only in silly arguments and not truly engage in the issues of the country's needs. If there is unity among them could better handle the problems.

  22. I think the biggest problem in the country is poverty. There are many vendors on the street, many of them children.
    There are many taxes in the country, which make the most difficult things.
    Insecurity, robbery, murder, are things that are always in the news. Sometimes, in front of our own home, burglaries occur.
    Another problem is pollution, deforestation, we not respect Mother Nature. We have to care the place where we live and care for other species.

  23. Water pollution is a global problem and is linked to air pollution and the way we use the resources of the earth. The water that comes from rivers , lakes and streams, is subject to heavy pollution becomes one of the infected agents which are fungi , viruses and bacteria that degrade water quality and make it useless for the purpose of being human, which are harmful to health.

  24. I think the most serious problems the country is in the winter time because it causes flooding in the country even in the city where there is no urban regeneration and many families left without homes and food shortages comes by landslides of the rivers.

  25. I think that in my country the most serious problem is the delinquency, every day we can see in the television, heard in the radio, read in the newspaper and internet the people's testimonies who have been victims of theft and the worst is that in some cases the people not only lose their belongings also lose the life. Sometimes the criminals pay with jail but the life is impossible recover.

  26. The most serious problem is the insecurity and we must fight it with justice which requires a good education to citizens, without rancor, without racism, among other things that damage the mentality of people . So there must exist equity in work places and health. To have peace for change must come from oneself.

  27. In Ecuador , I think the biggest problem is the difference with other countries ; the differences with the president contribute to the problems that exist in the country, which affects us in unemployment , crime and other things going on in the country ; I think that's the biggest problem in our country.

  28. In my country it has a range of serious problems but most come for the poor performance of the Government, spending from the State budget by the mismanagement of resources that this country has, gaining tax for all and thus to finish paying the external debt that still crosses.

    Poverty in the Ecuador is one of the serious factors, that is given for the lack of sources of employment and the mismanagement of resources that the country has.

    Crime is one of the country's problems, the main provinces suffering from these problems are: (Guayas, Quito, Cuenca, Loja).

    The traffic of drugs is another problem uqe you dal prestige to our country.

    The quarrels between political parties has separate to the society of the country.

  29. My country is beautiful and diverse. I think people are facing serious problems affecting so including crime, poverty, unemployment, corruption, begging, express kidnappings these affect high level to Ecuador.
    An offense that affects the country every day is theft by minors, one of the most affected cities are Guayaquil.
    Guayaquil living distress is huge to the point that there is no place in town that has not been visited by criminals.

  30. I do think problems is unemployment, vajo basic salary , lack of opportunities
    to access health, education, jobs.

  31. One of the biggest problems that my city is pollution occurs in all aspects from the air we breathe, through the trash in the streets to the rivers surrounding the city, this is a problem that is growing every day , cin that people become aware of the damage it is causing.
    Another problem of the city is the lack of green spaces, every day the constructions and developments develop more houses for people, but cutting down trees and disappearing forests, which benefit people with air and shadow, which protect the city from the excessive heat.

  32. I think the problems of my country are not as severe compared with other countries in the region, but sometimes there are problems for a small part of the population that complains of new laws of the government as taxes on imports, heredity, another serious problem disinformation published in the media causing people to act improperly

  33. The most serious problems are crime Ecuador and the lack of jobs for low-income people, another problem is the higher taxes for all domestic and international products because they generate higher expenses in the Country

  34. Cajas Luis
    People in our country have faced serious problems in its cultural, economic and political development. Speaking of the great social problems facing our country involves cover many areas in the life of our society, starting with the core is the family, leading to deterioration and destruction. Among the major social problems facing our country, we can list the following: poverty, unemployment, crime, work and child abuse, illiteracy, migration, prostitution, addiction, discrimination, domestic violence, etc.

  35. Racism, Religious separatism(example) Why do some communities teach and practice some religions and these poor kids don't even grow up to make up their own minds? Religion should be more like education where as a society we can pick and choose the ideas and sources to what we see fit and make sure the words are not misinterpreted like the extremists.

  36. Currently the political situation affecting the country and is one of the biggest troublemakers in both Education, work, health, nowadays many marches take place, the government does not know where to get money to take leading very drastic measures affecting the entire country not only a sector but everybody, every time you create new taxes, a barrel of oil dropped, but at the same time if you have had increased compared to other fluides you rule, there is a debt Chinese millionaire and even as collateral are the Galapagos Islands, there are many problems in the country but especially starting from the polita which currently is being established, should not be to give all the power of a single entity because this iS SUBJECT us to countries like Cuba and Venezuela.

  37. In Ecuador poverty is a phenomenon that can be caused by many factors (natural, political , social, etc.
    Therefore , no one should have to live only today, but always thinking about your future, do not know when can tap this phenomenon is very damaging .
    Climate change causes an increased risk of emergencies (floods , droughts , etc. ) and which requires adapting production systems , especially for poor and marginalized sectors that depend on natural resources.

  38. In ecuador the most serius problem is the violence. We can watch violence everywhere in the street, on tv, on newspaper, advertisements... some people do bad things to other people without reasons... there are too many roberies, gungsters, kids with gungs, drugs...

  39. In ecuador the most serius problem is the violence. We can watch violence everywhere in the street, on tv, on newspaper, advertisements... some people do bad things to other people without reasons... there are too many roberies, gungsters, kids with gungs, drugs...

  40. In Ecuador, well, let me think, the most serious problem is inequality because that create very complicated problems like robbery, like murders, etc, if we could change inequality and turn that in a better distribution we could make a better place to live

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